Indian scouting party


Indian scouting party vic Mullineaux w noble braves

Brave-Hunter(Jack) & She-Who-Sleeps-Above (Olivia)

cracks and lines in the tarmac are where snakes have traveled

“what happens when the crack ends in the middle of the

street?” –Jack

<< that’s where he went straight underground  . . .

all the way to China >>

<< What is your Indian name ? >>

Olivia said she could tell me only when at their house, but

she did tell Jack and he told me


<< Bunk ? >>

” Yes, like bunk bed ”

<< Ahh.  Now if you were to sleep in a bunk

bed, would you sleep on bottom or top ? >>

” On the top”

<< Then your name shall be

“She-Who-Sleeps-Above >>

” Umm, no, Bunk. ”

<< For the rest of your

natural life, I shall call you


” I’ll have a middle name “– Olivia

<< But Indians only have one name, that and their tribe name >>

” Oh  . . .  ”

<< What is our tribe name >>

” What is a tribe name >>

<< Like “Sioux”, “Hopi”, “Arapaho”

” Our name is  “The Hollow Tribe “—Jack

<< Ah, very good Brave-Hunter >>

“Thank you ”

<< As in:  the hollow is not hollow,

it is rather filled with the souls of

our revered ancestor warriors >>

we sat under Coco’s tree, to rest Olivia’s weary feet  . . .  i

found a stick and my Leatherman and started whittling an arrow

<< is this a good stick for an arrow? >>

<< Have they started to teach you how to wrestle bears in school

yet ? >>

” No”

Pointing to tattoo, << See these lines ? >>


<< You get a new line each time you wrestle a bear


” My substitute teacher wrestled a bear “”

<< Where >>

” On a mountain top ”

<< Do you know how to growl ? >>

<< Can you scare a bear ? >>

Olivia growled

<< See that’s a loud growl, you’ll scare a bear

with that >>

“What are these arrows painted on the street?”

<< Those are to show the snakes which direction to travel >>

” What does that one mean ? ”

That tells the snakes they can go either direction

<< That one without the arrows and in an S-shape tells

them they can lay their safely, in the sun, to get a good

tan >>

<< Now it is important Brave-Hunter to know that sometimes

we all come across signs that we don’t know, that we

haven’t seen yet.  At times like those, one must figure

out the meaning.  We might see such signs today >>

We came across such a sign, two parallel arrows with a dot

inside, all blue

” What does that one mean Uncle Jay ? ”

<< That is one I’ve not seen in my hunting

Brave-Hunter  . . .  what can it mean to you ? >>

” Umm  . . .  it means that two snakes can go

there, with one snake standing on his head in

between them and the other two snakes help hold

him up ”

we found a corn garden

<< There must be Indians around here >>

With Brave Warrior Brett, Bear-Sleeps-Too-Much or

“Big-Chief-Winter-Bear we searched for a path through the teepees

that would get us back sooner  . . .  much pain & remonstrance

from She-Who-Sleeps-Above for her sore feet

” Ah, interesting path, with no apparent way out ”

<< Ah, much like life itself Winter-Bear >>

i spotted a feather while searching for path through wood back way

to Boones

<< to the Indian, all gifts are provided if one only looks >>

on the way back to Boones w Brett w us by the pines on the

west side, i spotted yet another, bigger, black feather and

scooped it up

<< i’ll carry the feathers until we get back to the teepee,

where the medicine man will bless them, as a gift from the

arrow gods >>

<< do you know how your father found us ? >>

” mmmm, no ”

<< he tracked us  . . .  he used his tracking skills to

find us  . . .  remember, we didn’t tell him where we were

going ? >>

” Uncle Jay, are you making this up ? ”

<< What do you think ? >>

” I think so ”

<< that hurts my feelings  . . .  i think i’ll cry now


” They love it when they make a grown-up cry “–


<< Let us make our way back to the teepee >>

” You know how a bird needs feathers to fly, an arrow needs

feathers too “– Jack